Thursday, November 18, 2010

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus by John Gray

At first, I wondered why my friends were so eager to read this book. To me, this book was cheesy. I never found the reason on why a person should read this book.
But then, I changed my mind. I suddenly understood why it's important to read this. I always have a misunderstanding with a friend of mine who is the opposite sex. Then I imagined a worse situation, different than mine of course, slowly becoming a norm in reality: divorce.

After I read this book, it really explains why men act this way and I even understood more about myself as a woman. And to men, you would then realize why women act in certain ways and you too could understand yourself more. Plus, it's a page turner. It is damn hard to find a non fiction book that's a page turner. So to me, this is a must read book. So my rating is: 4.8/5

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